Platform for

Artists.Vision is a customized website platform for every kind of art in a seperate way. So artists can seamlessly present their piece of work to their community in different channels using one platform.

Features of Artists.Vision

All features are build for each kind of art in a different way, providing best user experience and functionality for the artist.

Artists.Vision - Kind Of Art

The following kind of arts are currently planned to be supported. Missing yours? Feel free to contact us.

Music Teaser

Bands / Music

Musicans prefer to jam and not to hassle around with their online presence. Artists.Vision is the one and only platform combining features only for bands and solo artists. Including the following and many more:

  • Tour - Dates
  • Spotify Connection - Directly in their website
  • Galery of past events
  • many more ...
Photography teaser


Photographers just want to shoot pictures and present them to their customers. No time for complicated Content-Management-Systems. Artists.Vision wants to present the following features (and many more), tailored to the needs of the photographer in one platform:

  • Online - Portfolio
  • Booking - System
  • Client - Photo Galery
  • many more ...

Why Artists.Vision?

In the last few months we recognized that more and more creatives were creating a website for their art. And it was a hassle.. But why?

They used the easiest way they could choose: homepage build systems. So far no problem, but these systems got features the artists don’t understand or more often simply don’t need. So we decided to build a system, tailored to the needs of those people. What those needs are? Well, for example a photographer needs some system to provide his pictures to the customers, like a client gallery, an online appointment system as well as simple pricing tables.

In contrast to that, bands or musicians for example have completely different requirements like tour dates, integration of Spotify and Soundcloud or even a booking system for their upcoming tour.

The goal of Artists.Vision is to create more and more systems tailored for specific art. Missing yours? Just contact us and you're on our list. For more information just register to our newsletter and stay up to date.

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